
Friday, July 24

Let's Get Real.

So I was welcomed home to Ben and this gigantic monkey that he won at Knott's Berry Farm...ha!

In an effort to recap my trip to Texas, let me just reiterate that I feel so refreshed and excited to see what God will continue to do in my life. Everything that I learned in Texas has me reminded that God loves me so unconditionally...I am incredibly blessed by His grace and love.
Besides that, visiting with the Rydings was real fun! I realized that Texans say "real" all the time...for example, instead of saying "It was so much fun" or "It was really fun," they say "It was real fun." :-) Needless to say, I'm determined to bring that phrase here.
But just to keep all you picture lovers happy, here's some more pics from no real particular order.

Here are my bargain shoes that I got at Target for $7.50...what a steal! :-D
John Wade and Matt playing some Ping Pong at the Rydings.
Yes, Ma'am, it surely did get above 100 degrees!

Some good bonding time with Josh and Cole. =)

A close up of Cole, who is probably the only cat that will ever actually curl up on my lap and cuddle with me. haha!

I love this picture simply because it is the epitome of how I thought Texas would be everywhere...this is the sign showing how tall kids need to be in order to ride the rollar coaster at the Kemah Boardwalk.

And finally, this is a shout out for ya'll who maybe don't travel a lot or just need some travelling tips. A seat in the emergency exit aisle = leg room galore. :-)

That's all for now...I'm excited for Bailey's shower that's happening tomorrow, and I'm even further excited about heading back to Ocean Hills on Sunday! God is good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm "real glad" you got to come experience texas in all its glory. :)